
Dal Lake Kashmir - Srinagar India

Some say ‘beauty’, some say ‘Dal’ The Dal Lake is one of those names that makes Kashmir, Kashmir! Indeed, of everything you will see in this, once nick-named “Paradise on Earth”, the Dal Lake with its elongated shikaras or house-boats, couples cozily warming under the Kashmiri sun, myriad flowers and a thousand different wares being bought and sold, is the most beautiful and memorable snapshot of Kashmir.
Dal Lake

Veining the pristine valleys...The Dal is Jammu and Kashmir’s second largest lake, and it flows past the lush Mughal gardens and monuments, plummeted orchards, the University of Kashmir and what not, to meet the river Jhelum . Elegant and elongated Shikaras or the Venician gondola look-a-like float through the lake carrying curious visitors, who at times feel benumbed by the serenity of the locale and perhaps wonder - can this same valley echo the gun-shots? Overlooking the lake are two hillocks that houses the famous temples of Shankaracharya and Hari Parbat.
More than hundreds of house-boats animate these tranquil waters ferrying around tourists, vendors and fishermen. Salesmen paddle from boat to boat, selling every thinkable ware like fresh flowers and fruit from the valley, nuts, Kashmiri handicraft, handmade carpets and many more items that can be either carried back home as souvenirs or spice yourself or your rooms with an enviable Kashmiri flavor.